Saturday, March 31, 2012

From Maya Romanoff...

I have commented about how nice their stuff is before, and I just posted a new piece on my blog.  So I will go straight to the pictures!

Click it, you know you want to.

This is really thin wood.

Everything is made by them without advanced machines, and still lines up!

You should see what this stuff looks like up.

This is the best one...and they can put it over murals too.

And my favorite color, of my favorite pattern.
And now, here are some pictures they took:  Presented without comment.

I have to stop.  Go to their site and check things out for yourself.  If you want any let me know.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

New Pottery...

I was just sent a present from my family.  Let's take a look at what's inside...

Three packages.

Here is a close up of the information on the front.  The paper is really fancy too, gold backing.

My new pieces.
Bowl for tea bags.

A Thimble.

And a little jar.

Looks like he has a website too: