Monday, April 30, 2012

From Scalamandre...

I keep referencing this piece of furniture to clients, and as such I figured it would be easier if I just put up a picture rather than tried to describe it (or even worse draw it).  This is the Scalamandre Dos a Dos:

Three quarter view.

Side view.

And compared to some of the fabrics they have on them, this one is very tame.  Now before you pass judgement on this piece, I want you to imagine it in the sitting area of your master bedroom.  And now let's pretend the the kids are at Grandma's.  Fire, Champagne... You two need to have one of these.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

From Maya Romanoff...

I have commented about how nice their stuff is before, and I just posted a new piece on my blog.  So I will go straight to the pictures!

Click it, you know you want to.

This is really thin wood.

Everything is made by them without advanced machines, and still lines up!

You should see what this stuff looks like up.

This is the best one...and they can put it over murals too.

And my favorite color, of my favorite pattern.
And now, here are some pictures they took:  Presented without comment.

I have to stop.  Go to their site and check things out for yourself.  If you want any let me know.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

New Pottery...

I was just sent a present from my family.  Let's take a look at what's inside...

Three packages.

Here is a close up of the information on the front.  The paper is really fancy too, gold backing.

My new pieces.
Bowl for tea bags.

A Thimble.

And a little jar.

Looks like he has a website too:

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

It has been too long...

I see things that I like all over the place, the problem is that I keep wanting permission to post photos of them, and that keeps me from being able to share lots of things that I see.  But these pieces I don't need permission to post, they are some of the leather working projects my wife has done while learning to tool.  Check them out:

Oak leaf tokens and hair bangles.
Here is a close up of a hair bangle.
This is her cellphone holder.
And here is what it looks like in natural lighting.

 I told her she should have made an Anne Boleyn, since the head lifts off...but apparently my humor is too high-brow.

Monday, January 9, 2012

More from Today/Thank you Fabricut...

Sometimes a company will just make it easy for you, Fabricut/Stroheim and Romann generally does.  Here are more photos from my install today.


Just a few of the hardware pieces fr this job...

Yes, those are hammered copper tables.

What a great fabric!

Hard to see, but the trim is spectacular.

End caps because the client did not want the finials to hang over the edge.

Last one for now.
I'll be going back next week, can't wait to get more stuff installed and photographed.